Saturday, April 08, 2006

Screwball in the corner pocket

I had given up on Logan and decided to go out alone. I don't really enjoy doing that, but I needed a night of fun and there was always the possibility of meeting someone.
As I walked out the door I noticed Logan. He had his arms crossed and was patting his foot impatiently. Then he had the nerve to tap his watch. "Why do you always do that?" He put on his innocent little boy look and actually asked what I was talking about, like he didn't know.
Anyway on to the drink and pool. I know Logan is always willing to try about any kind of drink so it didn't take much to convince him to order a Tazmanian Devil. (Ingredients and how to mix it are listed in the post below.) I tasted it and didn't care for it. I don't usually drink very much though. I guess he liked it because he ordered 3 more. He gets goofy when he drinks, in case any of you didn't know that. When he attempted a Taz impression, I laughed so hard I cried. "You are such a dork." Of course, he didn't hear me. He was too busy trying to spin around fast enough to break through a wall.
We played several games of 9-ball. We would've played cutthroat, but after his theatrics, we couldn't get a third player. Go figure.
All in all it was a very good night. We talked while I was beating him we played. Nothing too serious, just small talk. He even almost apologized for the state of my desk. Okay, what he said was: "Hell Caro, it COULD'VE been worse!".
Oh and I "accidentally" bumped the table and messed up one of his shots. :) That'll teach him to call me a stupid *girl*. He just THOUGHT I didn't notice that remark. Since I'm on the subject-I was NOT playing footsies with anyone. I was simply checking the quality of his shoes in case I decide to get a pair for my cousin. *grin*
Well, that was my evening out with Logan. So what did I learn? Logan + Taz drink= Goofy & easily beatable in pool. Goofy Logan + not winning a game= BIG WHINER!!


Anonymous said...

Goofy Logan + not winning a game= BIG WHINER!!

Too bad you had to endure an evening out with Logan only to realize the obvious. I do have another concern though. At any time during gaming night at Munch's, did you entertain the notion of checking out anyone else's shoes?

Carolyn Barek said...

The evening out wasn't so bad. I had fun and I REALLY needed a night of fun with no expectations.

did you entertain the notion of checking out anyone else's shoes?
Um, it's possible. Why?

Nomi said...

No, not footsies at all.
Elliot, I'd be asking if she was checking out anything other than shoes.
(Was there anything else worth checking out, Caro? Like Elliot's 'big-ass sword, for one...)

Carolyn Barek said...

Nomi-Elliot's big-ass sword is ALWAYS worth checking out. Or so I've heard. ;)