Sunday, April 16, 2006

My day

But first, I promised Janice I would tell what made me happy the other day. I stopped to get a cup of coffee and read a little in the paper on my way in to work. Munch came in while I was there. He walked by and smiled at me. After he got his order, he came and sat with me. We talked for a couple of minutes. See, kind of silly isn't it? It made me happy though.

Now, on to my day:
I had no big plans for the holiday. A couple of people invited me over for their celebration and egg hunt. I declined because I always feel awkward going to family/kid focused events. I don't feel like I can personally relate to them. I know that sounds strange, but it is the way I feel. It is a good thing I stayed home though, otherwise, I would have missed my surprise visitor. I was just sitting around, when someone knocked on the door. I was not expecting anyone so it startled me. Imagine my surprise when I saw him standing there. (Hey, that sounds like a song title.) I'll give you some of the details later, no time right now.


Carolyn Barek said...

Thanks George.
Logan does not get to me though. Don't tell him, but I enjoy his teasing because I know that means he has accepted me as a partner & friend.

Ames said...

Oh Cairo! Aw!
