Sunday, April 09, 2006

Does it really need a title?

Things are hectic today, but I I thought I would share something weird that happened. I had a message on my voice-mail earlier. No one spoke, the entire message was a song. That was it, just a song playing. Very strange indeed. I think it was a Hall & Oates song, "Kiss on My List". I know I haven't kissed anyone lately. Who even listens to them anymore? I'm a detective, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out where it came from. I'll have more time later to work on it. Got to go now.


Nomi said...

Secret admirer, perhaps? Or might it have just been Mike, retaliating for getting his ass kicked in pool?

Anonymous said...

Maybe a phone solicitation call that sent you over to "hold"? It is strange, if only because of someone's questionable taste in music. Seriously though, you ok? Get in touch if you need me.

Carolyn Barek said...

Nomi-Perhaps on both.

Janice-I will keep everyone updated.

Elliot-I'm fine, I just thought it was odd. I figure it was a wrong number or just someone playing a joke. But can I get in touch with you anyway?

Anonymous said...

But can I get in touch with you anyway?
You're kidding, right? You really think you had to ask?

Carolyn Barek said...

Elliot-I always like to check first. I'll get with you later, the "whining boy" seems to think I should be working.