That is George's new nickname. Everyone start calling him that and be sure and tell I said to. I sure have been busy. First my wild Temple adventure with Elliot, then I went bowling with George. I guess the guys are trying to keep me occupied so I won't start getting all depressed. Whatever the reason, I have been enjoying myself. I feel kind of bad though because Mike is still in the funk and I have had trouble pinning him down to go eat. He's ducking my calls or his machine is on the fritz yet again.
Anyway, to the bowling. I don't know why none of them like to go, I mean it is fun. It relieves stress, you work up a sweat, and with proper ball usage you're not sore the next day. What's not to like about that? I don't know why he was so worried that I would hit him with a ball. I mean that only happened once, a long time ago. It was an accident and it's not like the guy never walked again. I promised I wouldn't mention the score because well, you know, I beat him. If he tells you different, he's lying. ;) Before we went, I made sure he knew where to meet me, and I gave him the same speech I had Elliot, about NOT bringing up the "M" word. He listened on the meeting part, but not so much on the other. George is a shrink, so he thought he would bring up the topic subtly: Carolyn, I think we need to talk about some things.
"Unless you're talking about how to keep your ball in our lane, then forget about it." He was quiet about it for a little while. A little later on though: Someone in the office asked about you. He wanted to know how you were. "Oh really? Well tell Elliot I'm fine and thanks for asking." No, I meant, uh I just gave him my 'no crap I know what you meant' look. He finally got the hint and didn't bring up the subject again.
Twenty frames, a couple of strikes, several spares, and a few balls in the neighbor's lane later, we decided to call it a night. As we parted ways, I thanked him for the fun evening and for not trying to shrink my head the whole night. He agreed it was fun and said when I am ready to talk then don't hesitate to call. I was heading to my car and I heard him say I've never seen him so torn up before. He is miserable about what happened.
That sent a sharp pain through my heart, but I kept walking, pretending I didn't hear.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Elliot is so funny. Seriously, you should have seen him. As a matter of fact, I couldn't possibly do the story justice, so go here and read what happened.
After the little misunderstanding about where to meet (men never listen), I had a great time. I don't know if the lower magnetic resonance of the temple had a positive effect, but the lower part of his brain that made him think climbing an exhibit was a good idea, sure did. And before you get all upset because I kept running: It's not like he didn't catch up, eventually.
After the little misunderstanding about where to meet (men never listen), I had a great time. I don't know if the lower magnetic resonance of the temple had a positive effect, but the lower part of his brain that made him think climbing an exhibit was a good idea, sure did. And before you get all upset because I kept running: It's not like he didn't catch up, eventually.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Okay Elliot, this is what my Scooby Monopoly looks like. Sorry it's not a better picture, I'm not real great at photography. Stop by sometime and we can play, but don't even think about being Shaggy, he's mine!

In other news: Apparently someone told McCoy about my comment below, or he read it, not sure which. He was not happy with me. I got a funny voice-mail, it wasn't intended to be funny, but it was. If I remembered to save it I'll share it with you one day. He never said it wasn't true though.
A lot going on right now so I need to run. Hope everyone has a good night.

In other news: Apparently someone told McCoy about my comment below, or he read it, not sure which. He was not happy with me. I got a funny voice-mail, it wasn't intended to be funny, but it was. If I remembered to save it I'll share it with you one day. He never said it wasn't true though.
A lot going on right now so I need to run. Hope everyone has a good night.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Enough of that mess
I found these today, I thought they were funny so I thought I would share:
(There was actually 101 of these, I just picked the ones I thought were funniest.)
Things NOT to say during Sex
1. But everybody looks funny naked!
2. You woke me up for that?
3. Did I mention the video camera?
4. Do you smell something burning?
5. (in a janitor's closet) And they say romance is dead...
6. Person 1: This is your first time..right?
Person 2: Yeah.. today
7. Can you please pass me the remote control?
8. Do you accept Visa?
10. On second thought, let's turn off the lights.
11. And to think- I was really trying to pick up your friend!
12. So much for mouth-to-mouth.
13. (holding a banana) It's just a little trick I learned at the zoo!
14. Got any penicillin?
15. I thought you had the keys to the handcuffs!
16. Smile, you're on Candid Camera!
17. When is this supposed to feel good?
18. Did I remember to take my pill?
19. This would be more fun with a few more people...
20. You're almost as good as my ex!
21. I was so horny tonight I would have taken a duck home!
22. Did I mention my transsexual operation?
23. Hic! I need another beer for this please
24. I think biting is romantic- don't you?
25. I've slept with more women than Wilt Chamberlain! (This one sounds like it could have been McCoy)
I decided today that I want to go bowling. Does anyone do that anymore? I think it's a good way to let out aggression, anger, whatever. Pretending the pins are someone's head is always fun too. Anyone want to go with me? Mike? Elliot? Anybody?
(There was actually 101 of these, I just picked the ones I thought were funniest.)
Things NOT to say during Sex
1. But everybody looks funny naked!
2. You woke me up for that?
3. Did I mention the video camera?
4. Do you smell something burning?
5. (in a janitor's closet) And they say romance is dead...
6. Person 1: This is your first time..right?
Person 2: Yeah.. today
7. Can you please pass me the remote control?
8. Do you accept Visa?
10. On second thought, let's turn off the lights.
11. And to think- I was really trying to pick up your friend!
12. So much for mouth-to-mouth.
13. (holding a banana) It's just a little trick I learned at the zoo!
14. Got any penicillin?
15. I thought you had the keys to the handcuffs!
16. Smile, you're on Candid Camera!
17. When is this supposed to feel good?
18. Did I remember to take my pill?
19. This would be more fun with a few more people...
20. You're almost as good as my ex!
21. I was so horny tonight I would have taken a duck home!
22. Did I mention my transsexual operation?
23. Hic! I need another beer for this please
24. I think biting is romantic- don't you?
25. I've slept with more women than Wilt Chamberlain! (This one sounds like it could have been McCoy)
I decided today that I want to go bowling. Does anyone do that anymore? I think it's a good way to let out aggression, anger, whatever. Pretending the pins are someone's head is always fun too. Anyone want to go with me? Mike? Elliot? Anybody?
This is how I have been feeling:

Not to worry though, things will be better soon. I was FINALLY able to track down my partner. Seems he's been having a worse bout of the FUNK than I have. He didn't tell me what was wrong but something definitely is. We have plans to go out to eat soon. Hopefully I can make him feel better, or at least forget about what is troubling him for an evening. What can I say, I hate seeing the big goof down. I'll even suck it up and go to that smelly Wang's he likes so much. YECK!
Anyway, busy day ahead of me, guess I should get started.
Monday, April 24, 2006
The response
This is Munch, leave a message, unless you're part of the secret, Government cover-up *BEEEEEP*
"Munch, it's Barek. Got your message. Thanks. I appreciate what you said but the truth is you don't owe me an explanation. It's not like we're married, heck we haven't even had but one date, you're free to do whoever, I mean whatever you choose. If I hadn't had such an odd week, I probably wouldn't have gotten upset. Uh-secret government cover-up? Cute."
"Munch, it's Barek. Got your message. Thanks. I appreciate what you said but the truth is you don't owe me an explanation. It's not like we're married, heck we haven't even had but one date, you're free to do whoever, I mean whatever you choose. If I hadn't had such an odd week, I probably wouldn't have gotten upset. Uh-secret government cover-up? Cute."
The message
"This is Barek, you know what to do" *BEEEEEEP*
Barek, it's Munch. I failed to tell you why I was upset. I got scared. I didn't want to care too much and have something bad happen. I know that probably doesn't make much sense but it is how I felt. I was scared so I pushed you away. I guess I thought I would hurt you before you could hurt me. I never gave us a chance. I have to go, Huang wants to see me for some reason.
Barek, it's Munch. I failed to tell you why I was upset. I got scared. I didn't want to care too much and have something bad happen. I know that probably doesn't make much sense but it is how I felt. I was scared so I pushed you away. I guess I thought I would hurt you before you could hurt me. I never gave us a chance. I have to go, Huang wants to see me for some reason.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
The phone call
"Hello, This is Barek...Hello?"
Um, Carolyn?
This is Munch.
"Uh huh"
Don't hang up.
"I'm not quite THAT rude. What can I do for you?"
I, uh, just wanted to tell you something.
"I'm listening."
I was upset, so I got drunk...and...she didn't mean anything to me...I don't even know her name.
"That supposed to make me feel better?"
No, I don't guess it would. I just wanted to let you know.
"Okay, now I know."
I wasn't upset with you, I was just upset.
*SILENCE* (Not a lot I could say to that)
Are you still there?
I did try to call you first, but the line was busy.
"So this is my fault?"
That's not what I meant. It's just...I've been hurt real bad in the past and I have these trust issues.
"Yeah, me too. Great job helping me overcome them." (Yeah I know, that was probably a bit cold.)
*His turn to be silent*
"You know John, it wasn't me."
What are you talking about?
"Whoever hurt you before, it wasn't me."
I know that.
"Really? Because it feels like I'm being punished for someone else's mistakes. "
"I got to go."
Oh, okay...Um Carolyn?
I'm sorry.
On a positive note, with all this nonsense going on I was able to put that whole Lydia/Robbie thing out of my mind. Come to think of it, Robbie got hurt because he trusted the wrong person too. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm heading out for something to drink. Maybe I can find some young, hot male with no name.
Um, Carolyn?
This is Munch.
"Uh huh"
Don't hang up.
"I'm not quite THAT rude. What can I do for you?"
I, uh, just wanted to tell you something.
"I'm listening."
I was upset, so I got drunk...and...she didn't mean anything to me...I don't even know her name.
"That supposed to make me feel better?"
No, I don't guess it would. I just wanted to let you know.
"Okay, now I know."
I wasn't upset with you, I was just upset.
*SILENCE* (Not a lot I could say to that)
Are you still there?
I did try to call you first, but the line was busy.
"So this is my fault?"
That's not what I meant. It's just...I've been hurt real bad in the past and I have these trust issues.
"Yeah, me too. Great job helping me overcome them." (Yeah I know, that was probably a bit cold.)
*His turn to be silent*
"You know John, it wasn't me."
What are you talking about?
"Whoever hurt you before, it wasn't me."
I know that.
"Really? Because it feels like I'm being punished for someone else's mistakes. "
"I got to go."
Oh, okay...Um Carolyn?
I'm sorry.
On a positive note, with all this nonsense going on I was able to put that whole Lydia/Robbie thing out of my mind. Come to think of it, Robbie got hurt because he trusted the wrong person too. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm heading out for something to drink. Maybe I can find some young, hot male with no name.
My heroes...
... are Elliot and George. They were so nice to me last night. Both offered to come by if I wanted them too. It was a sweet of them, but I decided that probably wasn't such a good idea**. Elliot listened to me whine over the phone and George left about 10 messages. (Yes, I did return his calls.) I didn't have the ingredients for Irish Coffee or a Taz drink and I ran out of ice cream around midnight. I ended up watching one of The Lord of the Rings DVDs. Return of the King to be exact. It is my favorite in the trilogy. Aragorn is very nice looking! Of course I am no longer able to watch anything with a sword in it without thinking about Elliot's "big ass" sword. Which was a good thing last night because it made me feel better.
I'll be okay. It may take a few days, but I will get through this!
"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity"
So true because I had the opportunity to see how caring some of the guys can be.
**To be clear: It wasn't that I minded them dropping by, but John was already upset with me and I figured me spending the evening alone with two unmarried men would not help the situation. However, had I known then what I know now, I would have let them come.
I'll be okay. It may take a few days, but I will get through this!
"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity"
So true because I had the opportunity to see how caring some of the guys can be.
**To be clear: It wasn't that I minded them dropping by, but John was already upset with me and I figured me spending the evening alone with two unmarried men would not help the situation. However, had I known then what I know now, I would have let them come.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
The past few days have been, strange I guess would be the word for it. I can't seem to do anything right. I think Munch is mad at me, that is just what I need. Leave it to me to screw up a relationship before it even gets started good. And where the hell is Logan? I havent been able to get in touch with him. Maybe I'll look for Elliot instead.
Anyway, none of this is your problem. I had a minute so I thought I would post something. Now I can't even get my thoughts together to do that. Hope everyone has a good night. I'll be back sometime.
Anyway, none of this is your problem. I had a minute so I thought I would post something. Now I can't even get my thoughts together to do that. Hope everyone has a good night. I'll be back sometime.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Munch shared something with me today.
He told me about a reporter he had really cared about several years ago. She had been raped and he worked her case. Apparently they got pretty close. Then before the case went to court, she was murdered. I could tell it hurt him to talk about it. I felt so bad. It must be awful to lose someone like that. He said it was the first time he had really talked about it since it happened. I'm still not sure why he decided to tell me, but I'm glad he did.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
I'm tired of coming up with titles
Nothing major going on today. I had a lot of paperwork to do. I wonder why my "to do" stack never seems to get any smaller?
My weekend was nice. I had an interesting time with my surprise guest. I promise to give some details about it, but that will have to wait for another day. Today's project is worrying about Logan. He has been acting weird lately. It's probably just me. I worry too much some days. I got to go, the phone won't quit ringing.
My weekend was nice. I had an interesting time with my surprise guest. I promise to give some details about it, but that will have to wait for another day. Today's project is worrying about Logan. He has been acting weird lately. It's probably just me. I worry too much some days. I got to go, the phone won't quit ringing.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
My day
But first, I promised Janice I would tell what made me happy the other day. I stopped to get a cup of coffee and read a little in the paper on my way in to work. Munch came in while I was there. He walked by and smiled at me. After he got his order, he came and sat with me. We talked for a couple of minutes. See, kind of silly isn't it? It made me happy though.
Now, on to my day:
I had no big plans for the holiday. A couple of people invited me over for their celebration and egg hunt. I declined because I always feel awkward going to family/kid focused events. I don't feel like I can personally relate to them. I know that sounds strange, but it is the way I feel. It is a good thing I stayed home though, otherwise, I would have missed my surprise visitor. I was just sitting around, when someone knocked on the door. I was not expecting anyone so it startled me. Imagine my surprise when I saw him standing there. (Hey, that sounds like a song title.) I'll give you some of the details later, no time right now.
Now, on to my day:
I had no big plans for the holiday. A couple of people invited me over for their celebration and egg hunt. I declined because I always feel awkward going to family/kid focused events. I don't feel like I can personally relate to them. I know that sounds strange, but it is the way I feel. It is a good thing I stayed home though, otherwise, I would have missed my surprise visitor. I was just sitting around, when someone knocked on the door. I was not expecting anyone so it startled me. Imagine my surprise when I saw him standing there. (Hey, that sounds like a song title.) I'll give you some of the details later, no time right now.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Hahaha-Yeah right!
Your Reputation Is: Mystery Girl |
![]() You're the girl that everyone is trying to figure out. Men are attracted to your intriguing persona - and women want to copy it! |
Friday, April 14, 2006
I'm torn
I really want to tell you what made me so happy the other day. I am afraid certain people, who shall remain nameless, will make fun of me. I know that sounds silly. The thing is, it might not seem like such a big deal to people who are in or who have been in a relationship. I'm not making much sense, am I? I'll just keep it to myself for a few more days. By then maybe I will have even happier news to share!!
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Happy Easter and try not to eat too many chocolate bunnies. Mmmm, chocolate bunnies... Maybe I should go to the store.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Happy Easter and try not to eat too many chocolate bunnies. Mmmm, chocolate bunnies... Maybe I should go to the store.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Friends come in all shapes and sizes
Your Friends will Support You
And Respect Your Creativity
For Thinking Outside the Box
They'll Be There When You Need a Shoulder to Lean On
Or a Great Big Hug
A True Friend Takes Interest
in Understanding What You're All About
They See Beyond the Black &White
To Discover Your True Colors
And Accept You Just the Way You Are
Even When You Wake Up in the Morning!
So Make Your Own Kind of Music
Sing Your Own Special Song
Follow Your Heart
Wherever it Takes You
And When Someone Reaches Out to Love You
Don't Be Afraid to Love Them Back
They May Just Be A Friend for Life.
Your Friends will Support You
And Respect Your Creativity
For Thinking Outside the Box
They'll Be There When You Need a Shoulder to Lean On
Or a Great Big Hug
A True Friend Takes Interest
in Understanding What You're All About
They See Beyond the Black &White
To Discover Your True Colors
And Accept You Just the Way You Are
Even When You Wake Up in the Morning!
So Make Your Own Kind of Music
Sing Your Own Special Song
Follow Your Heart
Wherever it Takes You
And When Someone Reaches Out to Love You
Don't Be Afraid to Love Them Back
They May Just Be A Friend for Life.
I am still very happy from yesterday and I will explain why later.
Today however, I am worried about Elliot.
And since Blogger was being a pain and it took so long to get in, I don't have time to post what I wanted to for him. So this afternoon when I have more time I will be back.
Today however, I am worried about Elliot.
And since Blogger was being a pain and it took so long to get in, I don't have time to post what I wanted to for him. So this afternoon when I have more time I will be back.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Decisions, decisions
I can't decide what I want to do tonight. I think the guys are playing their game. I COULD crash it again. I enjoyed hanging out with all of them. They really are a lot of fun. Anytime I get a chance to spend time know who...I am happy. :)
Let's see, if I go:
1. I can check out someone's shoes:that is a plus.
2. There is always a chance I'll get to hold Stabler's big-ass sword:that is a plus! (He did tell me if I behave he may let me sometime. I don't know his definition of being have though, I could be in trouble with that one.)
3. It seems to bug Logan when Iflirt with talk to his closest male friend:that is a definite plus. (Yes, I do LOVE to bug that man.)
4. May appear I am chasing someone:huge minus. (YIKES don't want to seem desperate.)
If I stay home:
1. I don't have to doll-up:HUGE plus. (Yes, I do doll-up when going to see certain people. I'm just girlie like that.)
2. I can catch up on some reading: neither plus nor minus.
3. I can watch TV: same as reading.
4. I can eat my ice-cream: that is a plus.
Eh, I'll decide later. Right now I am just glad I am feeling better than I was earlier. It's amazing what the right words at the right time can do to help a person.
Let's see, if I go:
1. I can check out someone's shoes:that is a plus.
2. There is always a chance I'll get to hold Stabler's big-ass sword:that is a plus! (He did tell me if I behave he may let me sometime. I don't know his definition of being have though, I could be in trouble with that one.)
3. It seems to bug Logan when I
4. May appear I am chasing someone:huge minus. (YIKES don't want to seem desperate.)
If I stay home:
1. I don't have to doll-up:HUGE plus. (Yes, I do doll-up when going to see certain people. I'm just girlie like that.)
2. I can catch up on some reading: neither plus nor minus.
3. I can watch TV: same as reading.
4. I can eat my ice-cream: that is a plus.
Eh, I'll decide later. Right now I am just glad I am feeling better than I was earlier. It's amazing what the right words at the right time can do to help a person.
The Maestro...
...was one of the most self-centered, egotistical people I have ever met. I really thought he killed that poor girl. I wanted to nail his a** to the wall. I couldn't believe it when we discovered the truth. How could someone be that afraid to be alone? How could a mother kill her only daughter just so she could get married? It is very troubling. I think what bothers me most is I can ALMOST see myself in the same position. I don't want to be alone either, but if I was in the same situation, would I make the right choice? Goren always says there is a fine line separating us from the perps. Somedays I just don't know what keeps me on the proper side of that line.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Does it really need a title?
Things are hectic today, but I I thought I would share something weird that happened. I had a message on my voice-mail earlier. No one spoke, the entire message was a song. That was it, just a song playing. Very strange indeed. I think it was a Hall & Oates song, "Kiss on My List". I know I haven't kissed anyone lately. Who even listens to them anymore? I'm a detective, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out where it came from. I'll have more time later to work on it. Got to go now.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Screwball in the corner pocket
I had given up on Logan and decided to go out alone. I don't really enjoy doing that, but I needed a night of fun and there was always the possibility of meeting someone.
As I walked out the door I noticed Logan. He had his arms crossed and was patting his foot impatiently. Then he had the nerve to tap his watch. "Why do you always do that?" He put on his innocent little boy look and actually asked what I was talking about, like he didn't know.
Anyway on to the drink and pool. I know Logan is always willing to try about any kind of drink so it didn't take much to convince him to order a Tazmanian Devil. (Ingredients and how to mix it are listed in the post below.) I tasted it and didn't care for it. I don't usually drink very much though. I guess he liked it because he ordered 3 more. He gets goofy when he drinks, in case any of you didn't know that. When he attempted a Taz impression, I laughed so hard I cried. "You are such a dork." Of course, he didn't hear me. He was too busy trying to spin around fast enough to break through a wall.
We played several games of 9-ball. We would've played cutthroat, but after his theatrics, we couldn't get a third player. Go figure.
All in all it was a very good night. We talked whileI was beating him we played. Nothing too serious, just small talk. He even almost apologized for the state of my desk. Okay, what he said was: "Hell Caro, it COULD'VE been worse!".
Oh and I "accidentally" bumped the table and messed up one of his shots. :) That'll teach him to call me a stupid *girl*. He just THOUGHT I didn't notice that remark. Since I'm on the subject-I was NOT playing footsies with anyone. I was simply checking the quality of his shoes in case I decide to get a pair for my cousin. *grin*
Well, that was my evening out with Logan. So what did I learn? Logan + Taz drink= Goofy & easily beatable in pool. Goofy Logan + not winning a game= BIG WHINER!!
As I walked out the door I noticed Logan. He had his arms crossed and was patting his foot impatiently. Then he had the nerve to tap his watch. "Why do you always do that?" He put on his innocent little boy look and actually asked what I was talking about, like he didn't know.
Anyway on to the drink and pool. I know Logan is always willing to try about any kind of drink so it didn't take much to convince him to order a Tazmanian Devil. (Ingredients and how to mix it are listed in the post below.) I tasted it and didn't care for it. I don't usually drink very much though. I guess he liked it because he ordered 3 more. He gets goofy when he drinks, in case any of you didn't know that. When he attempted a Taz impression, I laughed so hard I cried. "You are such a dork." Of course, he didn't hear me. He was too busy trying to spin around fast enough to break through a wall.
We played several games of 9-ball. We would've played cutthroat, but after his theatrics, we couldn't get a third player. Go figure.
All in all it was a very good night. We talked while
Oh and I "accidentally" bumped the table and messed up one of his shots. :) That'll teach him to call me a stupid *girl*. He just THOUGHT I didn't notice that remark. Since I'm on the subject-I was NOT playing footsies with anyone. I was simply checking the quality of his shoes in case I decide to get a pair for my cousin. *grin*
Well, that was my evening out with Logan. So what did I learn? Logan + Taz drink= Goofy & easily beatable in pool. Goofy Logan + not winning a game= BIG WHINER!!
Friday, April 07, 2006
Been busy
That is why I have not posted in a couple of days. Not much time now either, just wanted to put up a quick note so you would know I am still around. I promise to tell you all about my night out playing pool. Below I have listed the ingredients and how to make a Tazmanian Devil drink. This should give some indication of how the night out was.
More later...
Tazmanian Devil
Ingredient Amount
Sangria 3/4 glass
Triple Sec1/2 shot
Vodka 1 shot
Sprite 1 splash
Glass to Use
Highball glass
Mixing Instructions
Add ice to glass. Pour glass 3/4 full of sangria, add shot of vodka, 1/2 shot of triple sec, then add a splash of Sprite and stir all together.
I got this
More later...
Tazmanian Devil
Ingredient Amount
Sangria 3/4 glass
Triple Sec1/2 shot
Vodka 1 shot
Sprite 1 splash
Glass to Use
Highball glass
Mixing Instructions
Add ice to glass. Pour glass 3/4 full of sangria, add shot of vodka, 1/2 shot of triple sec, then add a splash of Sprite and stir all together.
I got this
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
I got my computer fixed!!! It is about time!! Depending on others to let me use theirs is for the birds! New rule in my house=No drinks anywhere near the computer! Which is directed at me, since I'm the only one that is ever in here!
Side note relevant to nothing: White Cheddar flavored Pringles are REALLY good. Try them if you haven't already.
I'm playing a game of "avoiding my thoughts" right now. I am probably going out this evening. No not a hot date or anything like that. I just feel like doing something. I asked Logan if he was up for a few games of pool tonight, but being the Prince of Procrastination that he is, he'll probably just show up and act surprised that I'm not ready to go.
Somedays everything just comes flying at you at the same time. Whoa, I really am a whiner, aren't I?
Guess I'll go see if there is a ballgame on. Oh speaking of, any baseball fans out there? Favorite teams? I think Marty likes the Orioles. Not my first choice, but they are a fine team. I liked them back when Eddie Murray played.
I certainly go on and on about nothing, don't I?
Hope everyone has a nice day/afternoon/evening/night! (I think that should cover all the time zone differences)
Side note relevant to nothing: White Cheddar flavored Pringles are REALLY good. Try them if you haven't already.
I'm playing a game of "avoiding my thoughts" right now. I am probably going out this evening. No not a hot date or anything like that. I just feel like doing something. I asked Logan if he was up for a few games of pool tonight, but being the Prince of Procrastination that he is, he'll probably just show up and act surprised that I'm not ready to go.
Somedays everything just comes flying at you at the same time. Whoa, I really am a whiner, aren't I?
Guess I'll go see if there is a ballgame on. Oh speaking of, any baseball fans out there? Favorite teams? I think Marty likes the Orioles. Not my first choice, but they are a fine team. I liked them back when Eddie Murray played.
I certainly go on and on about nothing, don't I?
Hope everyone has a nice day/afternoon/evening/night! (I think that should cover all the time zone differences)
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Oh, I forgot...
Sad but true
I found this poem when working a case a few years ago. I happened upon it again, so I thought I would share it with everyone.
My Name: "Is Meth"
Author: Unknown
I destroy homes, I tear families apart, take your children, and that's just the start.
I'm more costly than diamonds, more precious than gold,
The sorrow I bring is a sight to behold.
If you need me, remember I'm easily found,
I live all around you - in schools and in town.
I live with the rich; I live with the poor,
I live down the street, and maybe next door.
I'm made in a lab, but not like you think,
I can be made&n bsp;under the kitchen sink.
In your child's closet, and even in the woods,
If this scares you to death, well it certainly should.
I have many names, but there's one you know best,
I'm sure you've heard of me, my name is crystal meth.
My power is awesome; try me you'll see,
But if you do, you may never break free.
Just try me once and I might let you go,
But try me twice, and I'll own your soul.
When I possess you, you'll steal and you'll lie,
You do what you have to -- just to get high.
The crimes you'll commit for my narcotic charms
Will be worth the pleasure you'll feel in your arms,
your lungs your nose.
You'll lie to your mother; you'll steal from your dad,
When you see their tears, you should feel sad.
But you'll forget your morals and how you were raised,
I'll be your conscience, I'll teach you my ways.
I take kids from parents, and parents from kids,
I turn people from God, and separate friends.
I'll take everything from you, your looks and your pride,
I'll be with you always -- right by your side.
You'll give up everything - your family, your home,
Your friends, your money, then you'll be alone.
I'll take and take, till you have nothing more to give,
When I'm finished with you, you'll be lucky to live.
If you try me be warned - this is no game,
If given the chance, I'll drive you insane.
I'll ravish your body, I'll control your mind,
I'll own you completely, your soul will be mine.
The nightmares I'll give you while lying in bed,
The voices you'll hear, from inside your head.
The sweats, the shakes, the visions you'll see,
I want you to know, these are all gifts from me.
But then it's too late, and you'll know in your heart,
That you are mine, and we shall not part.
You'll regret that you tried me, they always do,
But you came to me, not I to you.
You knew this would happen, many times you were told,
But you challenged my power, and chose to be bold.
You could have said no, and just walked away,
If you could live that day over, now what would you say?
I'll be your master, you will be my slave,
I'll even go with you, when you go to your grave.
Now that you have met me, what will you do?
Will you try me or not? It's all up to you.
I can bring you more misery than words can tell,
Come take my hand, let me lead you to hell.
My Name: "Is Meth"
Author: Unknown
I destroy homes, I tear families apart, take your children, and that's just the start.
I'm more costly than diamonds, more precious than gold,
The sorrow I bring is a sight to behold.
If you need me, remember I'm easily found,
I live all around you - in schools and in town.
I live with the rich; I live with the poor,
I live down the street, and maybe next door.
I'm made in a lab, but not like you think,
I can be made&n bsp;under the kitchen sink.
In your child's closet, and even in the woods,
If this scares you to death, well it certainly should.
I have many names, but there's one you know best,
I'm sure you've heard of me, my name is crystal meth.
My power is awesome; try me you'll see,
But if you do, you may never break free.
Just try me once and I might let you go,
But try me twice, and I'll own your soul.
When I possess you, you'll steal and you'll lie,
You do what you have to -- just to get high.
The crimes you'll commit for my narcotic charms
Will be worth the pleasure you'll feel in your arms,
your lungs your nose.
You'll lie to your mother; you'll steal from your dad,
When you see their tears, you should feel sad.
But you'll forget your morals and how you were raised,
I'll be your conscience, I'll teach you my ways.
I take kids from parents, and parents from kids,
I turn people from God, and separate friends.
I'll take everything from you, your looks and your pride,
I'll be with you always -- right by your side.
You'll give up everything - your family, your home,
Your friends, your money, then you'll be alone.
I'll take and take, till you have nothing more to give,
When I'm finished with you, you'll be lucky to live.
If you try me be warned - this is no game,
If given the chance, I'll drive you insane.
I'll ravish your body, I'll control your mind,
I'll own you completely, your soul will be mine.
The nightmares I'll give you while lying in bed,
The voices you'll hear, from inside your head.
The sweats, the shakes, the visions you'll see,
I want you to know, these are all gifts from me.
But then it's too late, and you'll know in your heart,
That you are mine, and we shall not part.
You'll regret that you tried me, they always do,
But you came to me, not I to you.
You knew this would happen, many times you were told,
But you challenged my power, and chose to be bold.
You could have said no, and just walked away,
If you could live that day over, now what would you say?
I'll be your master, you will be my slave,
I'll even go with you, when you go to your grave.
Now that you have met me, what will you do?
Will you try me or not? It's all up to you.
I can bring you more misery than words can tell,
Come take my hand, let me lead you to hell.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Let's see now...
D&D is set in a fantasy world... Well that is kind of obvious.
Swords instead of guns...horses instead of cars... Ok makes sense. Speaking of swords, I wonder how big Stabler's "big-ass sword" really is.
Daggers, quarterstaff??
Chain mail? Is that like a letter asking you to make 100 copies & mail them to your friends?
Leather armor... Sounds kinky, explains Logan's interest.
Darkblade...Thaddeus...Niles Wasn't he Frasier Crane's brother?
I wonder who the Dungeon Master is when they play?
I don't think I will ever understand this. Oh well, I guess I won't be able to join their game afterall. I was kind of looking forward to hanging withthe GEEK Squad da boyz.
In other news:
1. I was able to confirm the stainsthe big bad dork Logan left on my desk were in fact all food. Yes, I did have it tested for biological material. And IIIIII donnnnn't whiiiiiiine, take it baaaack or III'mmm telllling...
2. Harper is a neat guy. (Does that sound dorky?) If you haven't met him you really should. Little tip though, do NOT take him any red jello and more importantly: NEVER say anything negative about The Great Bearded One.
3. Stabler is a lot less high strung than I thought. Uh, no offense intended there Elliot, but you know you can be kind of intimidating.
4. Olivia has a cute picture of the baby up.
I think that covers everything for now. Guess I better get back to learning what these weird looking dice are used for.
Swords instead of guns...horses instead of cars... Ok makes sense. Speaking of swords, I wonder how big Stabler's "big-ass sword" really is.
Daggers, quarterstaff??
Chain mail? Is that like a letter asking you to make 100 copies & mail them to your friends?
Leather armor... Sounds kinky, explains Logan's interest.
Darkblade...Thaddeus...Niles Wasn't he Frasier Crane's brother?
I wonder who the Dungeon Master is when they play?
I don't think I will ever understand this. Oh well, I guess I won't be able to join their game afterall. I was kind of looking forward to hanging with
In other news:
1. I was able to confirm the stains
2. Harper is a neat guy. (Does that sound dorky?) If you haven't met him you really should. Little tip though, do NOT take him any red jello and more importantly: NEVER say anything negative about The Great Bearded One.
3. Stabler is a lot less high strung than I thought. Uh, no offense intended there Elliot, but you know you can be kind of intimidating.
4. Olivia has a cute picture of the baby up.
I think that covers everything for now. Guess I better get back to learning what these weird looking dice are used for.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Things to do today
1. Laundry.
2. Work in garden.
3. Destroy all red jello.
4. Watch rerun of Walker Texas Ranger.
5. Ignore constant phone calls from Logan.
6. Think of new ways to annoy Logan.
7. Send email reminder to Logan about the stains he left on my desk.
8. Read book about D&D.
Busy day today.
2. Work in garden.
3. Destroy all red jello.
4. Watch rerun of Walker Texas Ranger.
5. Ignore constant phone calls from Logan.
6. Think of new ways to annoy Logan.
7. Send email reminder to Logan about the stains he left on my desk.
8. Read book about D&D.
Busy day today.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Maybe I'm the problem
Normally I don't waste my time with these silly little quizzes, but in light of my recent dating fiasco, I thought I would give it a shot. The results? Not so encouraging.
You Are A Bad Date! |
![]() Sometimes it just seems like your heart isn't in it At least, not unless the guy is a dead ringer for Brad Pitt (with more money) You just don't spend enough time wondering if he's having fun... And newsflash - he probably isn't! |
You Don't Have a Boyfriend Because You are Too Shy |
![]() When a guy gets to know you, he finds a great catch Problem is... you're too shy for most guys to get to know. From meeting someone to dating, you usually have your guard up. And while you're just holding back, it makes you seem like you've got something to hide. |
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