Saturday, July 29, 2006

Thought I'd share some of the things that go through my head sometimes (it gets sad in there somedays):

People probably think I’m bitter. Maybe they’re right. Maybe I’m gonna be one of those old (how you say?) sphinsters. You know a single librarian taking my frustrations out on the unsuspecting kids with late books. Living, then dying...Old, poor, bitter and lonely.
Lonely, that’s the thing I fear the most. I don’t want to be alone my entire life. Of course I have my friends. Who doesn’t? But that is not the type of aloneness I’m referring to. You know it as well as I do. True I have some of the best friends anyone could ever ask for, but when I have to go to bed by myself night after night, it gets aggravating. I will probably never know the feeling of having that special guy holding me as I doze off and waking up with him smiling. Neither of us concerned with anything else. I fear I am destined to remain alone.


Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure it was Emerson who said something along the lines that it is not what lies behind us or what lies ahead of us that is important, but what lies within us. Within you is a caring, loving, beautiful person. You will find what you are looking for. Be patient with yourself. We're here if you need us.

Carolyn Barek said...

Thanks, I'm fine really, just had some things on my mind and thought it would help to get them out.
By the way, like my new profile pic?

Anonymous said...

Très, image très gentille. Je l'ai notée. J'ai également aimé le
titre que vous avez donné notre poteau de déjeuner, très
intelligent, mon ami.

Carolyn Barek said...

Merci beaucoup.
Je fais mon meilleur.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you do.

Carolyn Barek said...

Aren't you sweet.
So you want me to watch the little one an evening next week so you and Liv can experiment?

Anonymous said...

That's considerate of you especially since you are the reason my phone was on vibrate. And by the way, next time you have pizza delivered to my house, get me a dozen wings= mild, boneless.

Carolyn Barek said...

You want a certain kind of dipping sauce too? Oops, I meant, what are you going on about?