Thursday, July 27, 2006

Late night with the lawyer

Ok so apparently I forgot to hit publish post this morning because my post isn't there. What can I say, I was tired. But this is what it said:

I went to see McCoy last night. He promised to have the Yankees game on if I would come over. (Isn't that cute?) He was listening to the Fab Four and "Hard Days Night" was the song that was playing when I arrived. I wonder if he was trying to tell me something with that or if it was just a coincidence? Anyway, he apologized for not having much time lately but the cases were backed up. I told him not to worry about and we should just enjoy the time we had because who knew when we would get to see each other again. He agreed. We listened to the music and watched the game. (Thanks to Mr. Giambi the Yankees won!) Then he fell asleep so I left. I felt better afterwards, I guess I just needed some attention. I am ready to face the day and looking forward to my lunch plans.

I almost forgot, today is A-Rod's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX!!

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