Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Just in case anyone was wondering: It is hard to maintain a relationship when both parties work all the time. Well HE works all the time, I just work about 98% of the time. I suppose I should just be grateful for the time we do have together. Just cherish it and quit whining.
Can you believe they let Logan get by with that fake holiday? I mean really, a slurpee holiday on 7-11? That is just...Actually it's pretty ingenius, wish I would have thought of it.
Elliot-You know I'm always up for a Stabler adventure. So if you are in need of, what did you call it, hyphenated fun? You can call me. Especially if I'm supposed to be working.


Unknown said...

I hear you LOUD and clear- relationships are hard when you're working constantly- but it's nicer when you're able to work together ;0)

kacey said...

hee hee. Hyphenated fun.

Nomi said...

Hyphenated fun... I like that. Must work it into my every-day grammar.
Carolyn, I think we're all having issues at the moment. I'm blaming it on the full moon. Of course, I've been blaming it on the full moon for the last month and a half...

Carolyn Barek said...

Olivia-I know!
Kacey- :)
Nomi-That is Elliot's word, I borrowed it from him. It is a great word though.
The full moon? Yes, that is what it is!