Friday, July 28, 2006

Insérez le titre français frais ici

"So, Elliot, want to tell me where we are going?"
"Why not?"
Because it's a surprise.
Silence for a few minutes
"You're not going to kill me are you?"
"Just checking. How're things with Kathleen?"
He told me they were getting along better than ever and he had me to thank for it.
"I'm glad you two are doing well. Happy I could help."
Silence again
"You know if you REALLY wanted to thank could...tell me where we are going!"
Ok, we're going to db bistro.
Mental note-It only takes four tries to get him to cave.
I'm having French for lunch? That's not Italian. What was he thinking? 29 bucks for a hamburger? I HOPE he was kidding.
It was a nice place just not one I would normally visit. Once we got settled we started to talk. Correction, I started to talk. For whatever reason all my relationship doubts and fears that I had bottled up came out. I guess it's just easy to talk to him. He just listened as I went on and on. He had this strange look on his face, like he understood exactly what I meant. I don't care how weird anyone thinks it is, I am glad to have Elliot as such a good friend. I know that if needed he'd be there with an Irish Coffee or ice cream whichever the situation called for. Who would've thought the big scary SVU guy was such a sweetheart!? He even shared his Raspberry Lemon cake. :)


Anonymous said...

"You're not going to kill me are you?"

That actually became an option at one point. I had a good time. Thanks.

Carolyn Barek said...

That actually became an option at one point.
"Female MCS Detective murdered by well known SVU Detective in what witnesses are calling The Escargot Event"
I don't think Cragen would enjoy that kind of press! :)

I had a good time too. Thank you.