Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Calgon take me away...

Whew, what a day. I stayed busy from the time I went in until the time I left. It never ceases to amaze me how incredibly sickening people can be. How could someone run over a woman pushing a baby carriage? It is looking like it was intentional which means whoever it was KNOWS there was a baby in the carriage. You would think after all these years certain things wouldn't affect me as much, but they do. I really need to think about a career change.

Side notes:
Marty-Hang in there buddy, hopefully things will get better soon.
Elliot- See above
Mike- Listening to Munch? You'll never learn, will you?
Liv-When the time is right you'll know.


Anonymous said...

I understand on so many levels it's just plain scary. I'm undergoing a career-change...well, more like a 'life change' right now. So many positive things are happening that all I can do is just...hang on and enjoy the cr*p out of it!

Carolyn Barek said...

Riccie-Scary indeed. GOod luck with your life change!