Saturday, May 13, 2006

the weekend

Well this weekend promises to be boring. John is going to be gone most of the next two days. He's acting weird too. I think he's staking-out Logan. He's still worried about him. Nothing really going on, I just thought I would post a few lines so you would know I haven't disappeared. My arm is still hurting so I will probably do very little this weekend. I may rent a couple of movies to pass the time, then again, I may just sleep.
I hope everyone has a nice Mother's Day.


Mike said...

Hey, Carolyn - I think you lost something - it's wrinkly, grey, dressed in black and on my couch.

Remind me NOT to ride the subway when I'm exhausted again.

Carolyn Barek said...

Do I need to come pick it up?

Remind you not to ride the subway? Why did the Subway Chick find you again?

Ames said...

LMAO! Subway chick!! Oh, I forgot about her!

Heh heh...

You guys are funny.
