Monday, May 08, 2006

The late night call

Who is calling me this late? If it is Logan I'm going to kill him! I told him not to wake me up!
"Hello...What? I can barely understand you...Are you drunk?...Yeah, I know the place, I'll be right there."
It was George. He's drunk and needs a ride. Crap! George doesn't get drunk, something must be wrong.
I had to literally carry him to the car. Gee I just love the smell of drunk in the early morning. I almost never got his seatbelt fastened, he kept moving too much. "George, don't make me hurt you." That settled him down a bit.
"Okay, want to tell me what's wrong?" I don't know why I asked, it's not like I could understand what he was saying. He slurred something about the girl, the case and how much he loved someone, another doctor I think. I'm not sure who he said and I couldn't get him to repeat it. The ride to his place was pretty quiet. Well, I was quiet, HE was singing "If I were a rich man". I guess he was auditioning for Fiddler on the Roof or something. When I finally got him to the door, he couldn't find his keys. "Look harder George, because I am NOT putting my hand in your pocket!" He managed to locate them of course I had to unlock the door. He kept ringing the bell and yelling because nobody answered. I got him in and put him on the couch, making sure there was a bucket close by. I stayed until he fell asleep, which wasn't very long. He's probably got one helluva hangover, so everyone stop by and say something to him REALLY LOUDLY. I should've went and got him some of Elliot's coffee, that would've sobered him up.


Anonymous said...

that coffee, I think, had something swimming in it

::Where is that cat?::

Carolyn has been everyone's little savior the past few days. She's a hero to my kid, she took Huang off the street before he ended up on the evening news, and she did Logan's laundry. We need to do something nice for her.

Carolyn Barek said...

George-WHAT? YOU SAY YOU HAVE A HANGOVER? I didn't let you fall. You had the bruise when I picked you up. (At least that's my story)

Elliot-You don't have to do anything nice for me, unless you can burn the image of Logan's laundry out of my mind's eye. Eewww it gave me nightmares. ::still shuddering::