Thursday, November 16, 2006

Thanks to my I-wonder-why-I-put-up-with-him best friend, I got to spend the evening babysitting a drunken orthodontist, who thought he was Irish. It went a little something like this:
"No, your name is not Danny Boy and I won't call you that." I have to remember NOT to let Elliot and JP play together anymore.
"Thank you, but I'm not Irish and my name isn't Rose." I guess it's good they got along though. Maybe that means Elliot really is happy for me.
"Oh no! Don't do that in my flowers!" Oh yeah, he will pay for this!
He finally passed out on the couch. Guess it was a good thing he didn't have any early appointments scheduled.


Anonymous said...

I-wonder-why-I-put-up-with-him best friend

HA! Let's make a list.

Carolyn Barek said...

Let's make a list.
Okay, let's. Maybe you should start since I'm having difficulty remembering right now. Oh and by the way, you need to come clean my carpet.

Ames said...

Oh. No.



Carolyn Barek said...

Ames-Yeah. You should've been there.

Nomi said...

Oh brother. I can imagine... Actually, strike that. No, I don't think I can.
Maybe, next time you're all together, you should try something with them, to see how they react. Swallow whatever your alcohol of choice is to get it on your breath, splash a little on your skin, and then play it like you're completely smashed. It's amazing, what you can get away with when people think you're off-your-face drunk.
(Actually, it was Mike who taught me that trick... LOL)