Thursday, August 10, 2006

Nothing very exciting today. Work was the same. The trip home was the same. I did buy lunch for an old friend today, that was kind of interesting. Did you know some guys freak out a bit when a woman buys them lunch? I didn't think it was such a big deal but I was wrong. C'est la vie où je suppose. As I was sitting here, I lost my train of thought, I need to go look for it. I hate it when that happens.


Anonymous said...

You can pay for my lunch anytime, my little noix de muscade.

Carolyn Barek said...

It would be my pleasure!
noix de muscade?
Vous dites toujours les choses les plus douces! :)

Chloe' Gardner said...

Hey, if you're buying lunch ;0) CALL JACK- MAKE HIM GO OUT!!! You've sat at home too long! ;0)

Unknown said...

Ditto, Chloe'. Call HIM!

Carolyn Barek said...

Thanks you two but I can't make him do anything.