Monday, June 19, 2006

I have a never ending stack of paperwork on my desk. I know I am doing some of it but you can't tell by looking at the stack. It looks like my desk threw up. Oh well, it'll get done eventually.
I dropped in on court again today. I got to see McCoy in action for a few minutes. He is very good at his job. I'm glad I don't have to spar with him! I sat in the back and left before the session ended so he didn't see me.
I stopped in to tell Elliot hi too, but he wasn't around so I went back to attack the paperwork mountain. (I waved at Munch on the way out)
I guess that is about all that has been going on. Right now I am watching my favorite baseball player, trying to relax for a while. And I just lost my train of thought so I should probably go. Hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend.


Nomi said...

A mound of paperwork, huh? Mike hasn't been slipping his paperwork in amongst yours, has he?

My sympathies, though. Paperwork = bleugh.

Carolyn Barek said...

Nomi-I haven't CAUGHT him doing that, but who knows. It wasn't that bad, I just wasn't in the mood for working yesterday...or today for that matter.

Nomi said...

I just wasn't in the mood for working yesterday...

I really do sympathise with that. Me? I have approximately 1,000 envelopes to label today, and then fill over Thursday and Friday. Mind-numbing and tedious. Not to mention all the ensuing papercuts. Bring on the weekend...

Anonymous said...


And I need coffee. I want to hear all about this McCoy fellow. He looks remarkably like the man on the TD Waterhouse commercials.

Carolyn Barek said...

Nomi-That sounds dreadfully mind-numbing!

Annabella-Welcome back!! Hope you had a nice trip. I want to hear all about it. I never thought about it, but you'ore right, he does look like that TD Waterhouse guy.

Axe said...

Hey, C, don't you just LOVE a sharp man?!!

You know, those that blow you away, before you even notice their looks?

Carolyn Barek said...
