Monday, January 15, 2007

Shopping with the Stabler

I was in the process of cleaning out the fridge when my cell rang. I started to let it go to voice mail but it was Elliot so I decided to answer. He wanted to know if I had time to get some coffee with him. He had the morning off and I guess he was bored. I told him yes if he would give me time to get cleaned up. He was an hour away so I had time.
I finished the fridge and got cleaned up. I thought it would be funny to wear my camouflage jacket just to see that look on his face. I know, I can be down right mean at times.
He got there just as I was finishing up. "Hey, that was perfect timing." He didn't say anything. He gave me a weird look, not that creepy one either, this was one I hadn't seen before. "Elliot?" Nothing. "STABLER! Are you in there?" I asked while tapping his head.
What? Yeah, I'm here, sorry.
"Is anything wrong?"
No I was surprised by your outfit, that's all.
"Oh, the jacket? Sorry, I thought it would be funny. I'll take it off."
He gave me that smile. No, it's okay. Why don't you just go ahead and keep it on?
"Umm, okay then. Are you okay?" He assured me he was fine. I didn't believe him but I let it go. He suggested we stay in for coffee instead of going out.
"As much fun as that sounds, I don't have any coffee in the house. I haven't been shopping in a long time. I am out of everything."
We debated about what to do for a few minutes. Finally we decided he would go shopping with me. I hate shopping, I thought with him along it wouldn't be as bad. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Have you ever almost been thrown out of a grocery store? I hadn't either, until now. Things were fine until we passed the cheese display. Havarti was the special of the day. "You have got to be kidding me!" It's fate baby. I just rolled my eyes and laughed. He tried to get me to buy it. I refused and reminded him that he had money too. Every aisle he found something he wanted me to buy for him. Please? "No and quit looking at me like that." He pouted until he found something else he wanted. I felt like I was shopping with my little nephew. It was fun though. I decided to use the same trick I do with the nephew, threatening to make him sit in the cart. Didn't work, he tried to climb in. I finally told him if he would be good and let me finish getting what I needed then I would buy him something. "What's wrong with you anyway?" Nothing, why? "I don't know, just feels like something is wrong." Nope. "Are you sure?" Yep. "You would tell me if anything was wrong, wouldn't you?" Probably not. Before I could respond he had spotted the ice cream and took off. I finished what I was doing and finally caught up to him. They have the birthday cake kind. "Oh goody." Buy it for me? "I hate that mess." I didn't ask you to EAT it for me. I almost didn't buy it but I remembered what I did to the quart he brought to my party. "Okay, get your ice cream." He smiled and put it in the cart. We headed to the checkout.
The ride home was uneventful. He helped me bring the bags in and offered to help me put things away. I wouldn't let him, I have this thing about putting groceries away. He ate some of his ice cream and watched me put some of the things away. He still wouldn't tell me what was bothering him and I didn't pry. He was beeped and had to leave. Before he left he hugged me and thanked me for the fun time. "Yeah, shopping is a thrill a minute." It was fun because you were there. "Be careful, I'll see you. Call if you need anything." Okay, I will. You do the same. I nodded as he left. When I finished putting my food away I found a few items I don't recall getting. Apparently he was sneakier than I thought.


Nomi said...

Just what the hell is Harvati cheese, anyway?

Sounds like you did have fun, though. Elliot's behaviour reminds me of shopping with my nephews. Only... worse.

Carolyn Barek said...

Nomi! Welcome back!
Just what the hell is Harvati cheese, anyway?
This weird thing Elliot likes, Danish I think. It's pretty good.

Yeah, boys are a handful when you take them shopping. You're right, I had fun and I needed some fun.

Ames said...

Ha ha... Elliot...

Glad you had fun though.


Carolyn Barek said...

Ames-Yeah, Elliot. I did have fun you are correct about that!

Mike said...

Buy more junk food. I'm coming by to watch The Office tomorrow, minus the girlfriend and minus the Munch.

Carolyn Barek said...

Thanks to Elliot I have plenty of junk food.

Anonymous said...

Save me a Ding-Dong????

Carolyn Barek said...

No promises Elliot.