Thursday, January 25, 2007

FOR THE RECORD: I have a GREAT sense of humor! Just because I didn't like that stuff that Mikey likes doesn't mean there is anything wrong with my humor! If we had been watching something like Scrubs I would've been rolling in the floor laughing. That is a funny show and JD is too cute.

Okay, now that I've cleared that up-Sorry I haven't been around for a few days. Sometimes life gets in the way. I miss JP. During the day I stay busy enough to not think about it but nights, that is a different story. I haven't been sleeping well lately. I guess it'll pass eventually. What has been going on in your life? Right now I am desperately trying to find that ding dong I hid. I need something sweet, thanks to my former partner I have no more junk food and I REALLY don't want to go shopping again.

1 comment:

Nomi said...

You know, if you can possibly bring yourself to leave the house just once, there's a wonderful thing called a Vodka Mudshake. You get alcohol and chocolatey goodness all in one. Very nice.