Thursday, October 05, 2006

I'm all for this!

You may need to click on it for a better view.


Ames said...



Anonymous said...

Nope-I think you are more of a wildcat.

Wildcats are also incorrigible flirts and their feline mannerisms are attractive to members of the opposite sex. As a result, wildcats almost always get what they want -- plenty of pampering without the nuisance of a long-term mate.

Because of the wildcat's tendency to protect its independence, it can be difficult to get it to talk about personal issues. But when it comes to matters of the world, the wildcat loves a challenging debate. It is thoughtful and insightful on neutral themes, but when things get personal . . . logic flies out the window with the cat close on its heels. 

Carolyn Barek said...


Elliot-When you're right, you're right. Hard to argue with that one and thanks!