Saturday, April 01, 2006

Maybe I'm the problem

Normally I don't waste my time with these silly little quizzes, but in light of my recent dating fiasco, I thought I would give it a shot. The results? Not so encouraging.

You Are A Bad Date!

Sometimes it just seems like your heart isn't in it

At least, not unless the guy is a dead ringer for Brad Pitt (with more money)

You just don't spend enough time wondering if he's having fun...

And newsflash - he probably isn't!

You Don't Have a Boyfriend Because You are Too Shy

When a guy gets to know you, he finds a great catch
Problem is... you're too shy for most guys to get to know.
From meeting someone to dating, you usually have your guard up.
And while you're just holding back, it makes you seem like you've got something to hide.


Sara said...

Do not pay attention to the first one! That is so mean and soo incorrect. You would be a great date.

The second one is a different story. Lol, I coukld see it. But thats okay, because it is an obstace for your perfect guy to overcome and if he does you'll know its him.

The foot is fine, thanks for asking!

Carolyn Barek said...

Thanks Sara, but I'm not so sure of that.
Glad your foot is better.

Nomi said...

These things are so rigged. Don't pay any attention to them. Absolute load of crap, and deserving of an appropriate salute. Um... How do you blow raspberries in print?

MartyF said...


Who's the babe? (he says, oh so desperately...)

Carolyn Barek said...

Nomi-Thanks! And I believe the proper spelling for that would be "pfffft".

Marty-She is one of those "pictures that come in the wallet" people. No one knows who they really are.

MartyF said...


Ah, I've heard about that. Don't they all live in a sweatshop in Chinatown somewhere?

Carolyn Barek said...

Marty you are so funny.