Tuesday, April 25, 2006

This is how I have been feeling:

Not to worry though, things will be better soon. I was FINALLY able to track down my partner. Seems he's been having a worse bout of the FUNK than I have. He didn't tell me what was wrong but something definitely is. We have plans to go out to eat soon. Hopefully I can make him feel better, or at least forget about what is troubling him for an evening. What can I say, I hate seeing the big goof down. I'll even suck it up and go to that smelly Wang's he likes so much. YECK!
Anyway, busy day ahead of me, guess I should get started.


Ames said...

Cairo, oh no! What is it with guys? Seriously.

::sending you lots of ice cream and Looney Tunes DVDs::

Not only maybe you'll help Logan feel better, but maybe you'll help each other feel better?

MartyF said...

Wang's? The discount sushi place?
Hmmm. NEVER go to a discount sushi place...you can never tell how fresh it is...

Carolyn Barek said...

Amey-Seriously, if I knew I would tell you. Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream? If I focus on Logan then I won't think about my problems, so yes in fact we can make each other feel better.

Marty-Not my choice of places either, but it's his favorite place, so I can endure it if that is where he really wants to go.

NemesisNicole said...

Mikey is a weirdo. Dare I say he's even weirder than Bobby?

No wait, I take that back. No one is weirder than Bobby!

NemesisNicole said...

That rollercoaster makes me sick just looking at it!
