Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I got my computer fixed!!! It is about time!! Depending on others to let me use theirs is for the birds! New rule in my house=No drinks anywhere near the computer! Which is directed at me, since I'm the only one that is ever in here!
Side note relevant to nothing: White Cheddar flavored Pringles are REALLY good. Try them if you haven't already.
I'm playing a game of "avoiding my thoughts" right now. I am probably going out this evening. No not a hot date or anything like that. I just feel like doing something. I asked Logan if he was up for a few games of pool tonight, but being the Prince of Procrastination that he is, he'll probably just show up and act surprised that I'm not ready to go.
Somedays everything just comes flying at you at the same time. Whoa, I really am a whiner, aren't I?
Guess I'll go see if there is a ballgame on. Oh speaking of, any baseball fans out there? Favorite teams? I think Marty likes the Orioles. Not my first choice, but they are a fine team. I liked them back when Eddie Murray played.
I certainly go on and on about nothing, don't I?
Hope everyone has a nice day/afternoon/evening/night! (I think that should cover all the time zone differences)


Nomi said...

Nah, not a whiner. You're right - there are days when everything just hits you all at once.

I'm glad your computer's fixed. It's a b***h being without. Can't say I'm exactly in that situation at home, but until I clear those big piles of... um... stuff from around my desk...

LOL, Prince of Procrastination. I like it!

Carolyn Barek said...

Thanks Nomi!
What kind of stuff? Like stuff the boss thinks you should be working on?

Nomi said...

Nah, I'm referring to my home computer. Which is currently inaccessible due to all my notebooks, and novels and stuff that's stacked around it. I have such a clean-up job to do....

Carolyn Barek said...

Oh ok. I actually keep the area around my home one pretty clean. Well since I destroyed the computer that is. Now the one at work is another story: Case-files, post-its, Taz stuff all over the place at my work station.

Nomi said...

You like Taz, huh? I'm a Speedy Gonzales girl, myself. Or Marvin the Martian. Love Looney Tunes, tho. And Looney Tunes combined with Brendan Fraser? Even better. Goofiness and hotness all packed in together. Mmmmmm.....

MartyF said...

Wow! You're clairvoyant!

The O's were a great team in the day: Murray, Rick Dempsey, Scott MacGregor, Mike Flanagen, and Ripken. Good players all. Now they are mere makeweights, just there so the Devil Rays can win once in a while...

Of course the Cubbies were my fave when I was much younger. Ron Santo, Ken Holtzman, Randy Hundley, etc....

And I LOVE Pringle's! White cheddar sounds great but I never see it in my neck of the woods.

And as to the Looney Tunes...Daffy was always my fave there.

Carolyn Barek said...

Nomi-Yes I am a Taz fan. I like all the Looney Toons, he's just my fave. I guess Daffy is 2nd for me. Brendan Fraser...mmm yes, very nice to look at.
Marty-Not clairvoyant, I just pay attention! I liked the Cubbies when Ryan Sanburg and Ron Cey played for them. The got a couple of good players now too, like Derek Lee.
Janice-Home-State loyalty, very commendable. The Phillies are ok. I didn't like Mike Schmidt so I never got into watching them much. Football is okay, no faves there. No fave hockey team either, I rarely get to watch any of those games, but it is fun seeing them smash their faces against the glass!

Axe said...

It's Friday! I'm trying out those Pringles tonight while watching Nosferatu!!!

Have a great weekend, babe!

Carolyn Barek said...

Axe-Let me know what you think of the Pringles. I love them. I think I will go buy more. Enjoy your weekend too!