Monday, May 15, 2006

Monday is the cruddiest day of the week

It's Monday. To quote Garfield: I hate Mondays!
John eventually came by to see me but all he wanted to do was talk about Mike. Apparently he overheard part of a phone conversation and thought I should know about it. "I was not there, so how am I supposed to know who he was talking to?" As if just because we're partners, we have some sort of psychic connection. I'll spare you all of the details of that little debate. It ended badly though. He accused me of not caring about Mike. He yelled...I yelled...he left...I watched a ballgame and tried to decide why I like men in the first place.
Sounds like a great weekend, doesn't it?
I got to go, Mike finally got a real desk and for some reason I told him I would help him move his stuff.


Mike said...

Oooh, you're helping me move! Why *was* Munch on my couch, anyway?
That was surreal to say the least.

Carolyn Barek said...

Janice-I know. It'll be okay though. Hope you have a great week too.

Mike-Yeah, helping you move=yee ha!
I have no idea why the parnoid in black was on your couch. He's just worried about you, I guess. I don't know. He's not speaking to me right now so you'll have to ask him.

Ames said...

I've found this site to be oh so useful:


Carolyn Barek said...

Thanks Ames! I'm thinking of throwing some real rocks at a real boy!

Nomi said...

Yes, Mondays suck, Carolyn. You hit it right on the head. On the bright side, though, Mondays mean it's only four more days to the weekend....

Carolyn Barek said...

That's true Nomi! Only 4 more days.